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Thursday, June 6 • 2:00pm - 2:45pm
✍🏻Your Story Matters: Finding Your Writer Era

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Teachers are people too, and after many years of teaching, we also have stories to tell. For many of us, those stories aren't just about teaching, but about who we are outside of the classroom. We don't need to be teacher influencers or build large audiences to have our stories matter. But learning how to tell our stories can help us process our experiences, heal when we are hurting, and help others who are also going through similar experiences. With the resurgence of blogging and the increased prevalence of self-publishing tools, there are many different ways to tell your story without building a toxic social media presence. This presentation walks teachers through: 1) People with day-jobs who became writers after the fact 2) The tools for writing only for your own purposes (fiction or non-fiction) 3) How to transition that writing to a small audience 4) The steps to branching out to a bigger audience as you share a story that matters to you In the end, you should feel inspired to write, even if it is just in your personal journal.


Thursday June 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:45pm EDT
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